CLP1010e Watt Channel Non-Display Analog Portable Radio by Motorola Solutions Replaces The CLP1010

CLP1010e Watt

¥49200 ¥39360 (税込) 送料込み


CLP1010e Watt Channel Non-Display Analog Portable Radio by Motorola Solutions Replaces The CLP1010



  • カテゴリー
    1. 業務、産業用
    2. 建築、建設用
  • ブランドCLP1010e Watt
  • 商品の状態目立った傷や汚れなし
  • 配送料の負担送料込み(出品者負担)
  • 配送の方法らくらくメルカリ便
  • 発送元の地域神奈川県
  • 発送までの日数1~2日で発送








コメント (5)



XLを購入 色味はレモンイエロー、春らしくとても良いです。 180cm 82kg W88cm 普段はLL~3Lを着用 サイズ感は若干大きいがほぼジャストです。 綿70 ポリ30と言う事ですが、生地はゴワゴワ感有ります。裾はかなりワイド、紐で絞ること必須です。 残念なのはフロントファスナーが無かったこと。写真を良く見れば判るのですが気が付かなかったです。ウエストは紐で調整、ベルト通しはありません。 自分の思うカーゴパンツとイメージが離れているので☆3つです。 シェフズパンツとしての購入なら☆5つでも良かったのですが。 シェフズパンツで売り出せば良いと思います。








思っていたより早く届きました 梱包も、きちんとしていて良かったです、近隣のホームセンターで、恐らく同じ商品が より高値で売っていました 買って良かったです まだ使用していないですが、開封して確認した所変な、匂いも、無く 作りもしっかりしていました ありがとうございました 又お願いいたします

CLP1010e Watt Channel Non-Display Analog Portable Radio by Motorola Solutions Replaces The CLP1010

Motorola Curve WI-FI Enhanced Business Two-Way Radio

Motorola Curve WI-FI Enhanced Business Two-Way Radio

Motorola Six Pack of CLS1110 UHF Two Way Radios for your business is a  great buy on these 4.5 ounce walkie talkie that include holsters,  batteries, chargers and more.

Motorola Six Pack of CLS1110 UHF Two Way Radios for your business is a great buy on these 4.5 ounce walkie talkie that include holsters, batteries, chargers and more.

Motorola 6-Pack of CLP-1010e UHF Two Way Radio will start your day off  right. Great for your office, retail store or hotel.

Motorola 6-Pack of CLP-1010e UHF Two Way Radio will start your day off right. Great for your office, retail store or hotel.

Motorola CLP1010e Watt Channel Non-Display Analog Portable Radio by Motorola  Solutions Replaces The CLP1010

Motorola CLP1010e Watt Channel Non-Display Analog Portable Radio by Motorola Solutions Replaces The CLP1010

Motorola Six Pack of RMU2040 radios will be the work horse of most  warehouse and retail stores that only need a couple channels and durability.

Motorola Six Pack of RMU2040 radios will be the work horse of most warehouse and retail stores that only need a couple channels and durability.

Motorola CLS1110 UHF Two Way Radio for business is a single channel walkie  talkie that includes a holster, battery, charger and more.

Motorola CLS1110 UHF Two Way Radio for business is a single channel walkie talkie that includes a holster, battery, charger and more.

Motorola CLS1410 with VibraCall is for business. This UHF Two Way Radio has  channels. A walkie talkie that includes a holster, battery, charger and  more.

Motorola CLS1410 with VibraCall is for business. This UHF Two Way Radio has channels. A walkie talkie that includes a holster, battery, charger and more.

Motorola CLS1410 with VibraCall is for business. This UHF Two Way Radio has  channels. A walkie talkie that includes a holster, battery, charger and  more.

Motorola CLS1410 with VibraCall is for business. This UHF Two Way Radio has channels. A walkie talkie that includes a holster, battery, charger and more.

Motorola CLP-1010e UHF Two Way Radio for business is tiny, 2.38 ounces.  Great for your office, retail store or hotel.

Motorola CLP-1010e UHF Two Way Radio for business is tiny, 2.38 ounces. Great for your office, retail store or hotel.


ホーム > CLP1010e Watt Channel Non-Display Analog Portable Radio by Motorola Solutions Replaces The CLP1010